About Us

About Us
Ace of Skates is a LGBT+ and family-owned skate shop, run by and for skaters. Based in Denton TX, we service DFW and beyond. We're passionate about the work we do and want you to love skating as much as we do. We primarily work with the quad skating community with a focus on roller derby.
Proshop Services
AOS is primarily a Roller Derby pro-shop and we specialize in meeting the needs of derby athletes. Custom boot fittings and skate mounting are offered in-shop.
Custom Art Work
At AOS, we like painting on stuff. We offer custom artwork on just about whatever surface you can hand us. Painting quad skates, skateboards, and helmets are a few of our favorites. See our Custom Work page here to browse our work and request commissions.
As a business, one of our core values is outreach and community. Every financial quarter, a portion of ALL sales goes to a charity of our choosing. Click here to see who we’re supporting this quarter.
Meet the Ace of Skates team!
Ace / Purple People Eater - Owner, artist and skate technician.
Nerdy - Referee and runner of numbers.
Roach - Shop assistant and gremlin.
Grouchy Smurf - Shop mom, seamstress and potion wizard.